Earlier this week, the world became a little darker. Seventeen month old Madeline Alice Spohr passed away. Maddie is the precious daughter of Heather Spohr of The Spohrs are Multiplying. She was born premature and had breathing issues her whole life; because of this, little Maddie logged in more hospital visits than any baby should have to. Regardless of her health issues, Maddie was a child that was full of life. She had big, bright eyes and a grand personality to go along with them. The world mourns for the lovely person lost on April 7, 2009.

I never had the joy of meeting little Maddie, and have only spoken to her mom online, but I feel like I knew Maddie through Heather's blog. She was kind enough to share Maddie with the world and through her beautiful pictures and words, I came to love the sweet little girl. I almost feel guilty mourning the loss of this child. She wasn't mine - I never even "really" knew her. Why should I have the right to feel sad? But that's the beauty of Maddie. So many people grew to love her through this silly thing we call the internet.
The response to Maddie's death has been tremendous. Over twenty thousand dollars have been raised through Heather Spohr's March of Dimes page and many more people have been inspired to walk in their city's March for Babies. I will be walking on April 26th in Houston in remembrance of Maddie. Please donate to the March of Dimes so that one day, all babies will be born healthy and no more families will have to mourn the loss of their lovely child.

I'll miss you, little Maddie but I know up in Heaven smiling your toothy grin over how much good is being done in your name.
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